About Us

Hi, we are Inisoft

Inisoft is a US-based data lifecycle and artificial intelligence lab with operations in Argentina that partners with our enterprise clients seeking to disrupt, innovate, and ignite change that can refine industries through data innovation. 

about image

Our expertise in data engineering, artificial intelligence, and cloud infrastructure enables us to architect dynamic data-driven solutions that drive growth and competitive advantage.



Three Paths to Efficiency and Cost Savings

Our Vision

Our vision is to be an integrity-driven player in Latin America, solving real needs for enterprise clients in the United States,. We stand behind our word, honor commitments, and deliver excellence.


Our mission is to create lasting partnerships with clients, where trust, collaboration, and mutual success are at the forefront. We embody fearlessness and prioritize win-win relationships.

Core Value

At Inisoft, we empower independence, trust our talent, and tackle challenges head-on. Our collaborative culture fosters free-flowing ideas and innovative solutions.

What makes us different?

  • Expertise
    With years of experience in the industry, we bring unparalleled expertise and insights to help you navigate your data transformation journey effectively.

  • Innovation
    We leverage the latest advancements in technology and methodology to deliver innovative solutions that drive business growth and success.

  • Customization
    Our solutions are tailored to meet your unique business needs, ensuring that you get the most value out of your data assets.

  • Partnership
    We believe in building long-term partnerships with our clients, providing ongoing support and guidance every step of the way.
Get to know us!

Core Team 

Mariano Sciutto

CEO & Co-founder

Mariano is an entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience. He is skilled in product development,  and helping customers accelerate their data and digital transformations.


Juan Cruz Borba

CFO & Co-founder

An experienced executive with a corporate background in marketing, finance, and product development in technology services.

Celeste Amichetti 



Celeste is a Psychologist and MBA applicant who has worked with high-performance teams in multiple industries for more than 10 years.

Braulio Evangelisti

Head of Technology


Braulio is a full-stack cloud architect with over 10 years of experience building tech products and leading high-performing teams for top-tier companies.


Alejandro Declerck

Head of Data

Data expert with extensive track-record in scalable systems implementation, encompassing both project and resource management.

Lorena Horowicz

Delivery Manager


A strategic product manager with over 10 years of experience leading cross-functional teams to develop and launch successful products.

Advisory Team

Andrew Burgert

Advisory Board


Andrew has extensive expertise in scaling high-growth technology services organizations in the US and Latin America.


His prior experience also includes more than $13 billion in technology investment banking transactions and technology private equity.


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